Are you in the job search mode?
- What new tools are you planning on using or learning to help in your job search?
- Do you already have a LinkedIn account?
- Are you going to check to see if it is being the most effective it can be for you?
- Do you use Twitter to look for jobs?
- Have you investigated the job search component of Facebook?
- Are you networking?
- Have you joined any new industry related associations?
- Are you participating in informational interviews?
- Have you decided to volunteer to keep your skills up to date?
- Are you planning on changing careers?
- Does that career change include learning new skills?
- Are you taking a class or learning something to keep your skills current?
- Do you need to address a character flaw that is keeping you from a promotion?
- What one thing can YOU change that would make your job easier?
- What one thing can you address with your supervisor that would make your job easier?
- Is this job a career or do you need to check into another path?
- Will you be finishing your training this year and looking for a new job?
- What are you doing now to network or prepare in advance for that job search? Check out the items above.
- Do you need to be more fit or drop a few pounds?
- Do you need to de-clutter?
- Do you need to stop smoking?
What other suggestions do you have? What are your goals?