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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Don't let your job search lag over the holidays

Here are some ideas to keep your job search from being derailed by the holidays:
  • While everyone else is out celebrating the season, you may be able to gain the upper hand, by continuing your job search.  The human resource departments still work over the holidays, so there may be a perfect opportunity for you to get noticed. Everyone needs extra help over the holidays, prove indispensable and youve a good chance of being kept on.
  • Are you able to provide value to someone else - can you teach them something or show someone a new skill?  If so, it could turn into a new job.
  • When you network are you offering a personal business card with your contact information on it?
  • With so many holiday parties happening, networking is at it's finest. Be prepared to enter the conversation with useful industry information and if the conversation path leads to you sharing that you are looking for employment, let it flow - but in a positive light. Keep things upbeat!
  • Starting a conversation with someone can be intimidating. You might use this model - FORM - Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message - ask questions about these topics to start a conversation.  When it comes around to the occupation - there is your chance to mention that you are looking for a new one.  But remember, it isn't all about you, it is about the person to whom you are speaking.  Take time to listen.
  • Should you mention that you are looking for work when you send your holiday cards? Perhaps it might be best to keep the greeting just that - a greeting.  BUT, you can take the opportunity after the holiday to "catch up" or network with those on your holiday card list to say that you are seeking new employment.
  • When you are networking through the holidays have some "gives" prepared, so you have something to offer, not just "takes."
  • Volunteer - not just during the holidays, but regularly.  It is an opportunity to keep your skills sharp and you never know who else is involved.  They may be in a job offering position.
Thanks to #careerchat for the inspiration for this article. Here is another link related to this topic:

So what are your job search (or other) plans for the holidays?