Q1: Whats the most difficult thing about networking?
- For me it was always how to break into a group already chatting.
- Finding relevant contacts. Even though every contact can have a silver lining.
- when at a networking event joining in a convo. I sometimes feel like I am butting in
- I would say just gaining enough confidence to actually start. It can be sort of intimidating at times.
- Finding a group that seems open and inviting, not closed is the key.
- Starting a conversation with a total stranger.
- The most difficult thing in regards to networking is having to step outside of your comfort zone. You'll be glad you did.
- Making new contacts without going to mix and mingle events.
- The initial starting of the conversation is the toughest for me
- Telling your elevator speech over and over again
- identifying the quality, decision making contacts or those who can connect you with them
- Getting in and getting out are the hardest part.
- walking up to the first person. After that the ice is broken. I look for someone standing off by themself.
- Networking is more about how you can help them vs. how they can help YOU. Provide value first, then ask for help.
- The dreaded elevator pitch. Saying who you are & what you do clearly and concisely.
- When you do find a contact, it's hard to bridge the gap between personal and professional conversation
- Identifying a networking group that can maximize your chances of securing a job.
- Just jumping in and getting started with a conversation can be one of the hardest for me
- getting your message across in an effective but non obtrusive way
- Fearing rejection and feeling like you're bothering people are two big networking worries
- Here's an article that might help you with networking: 11 Rules for Networking http://wp.me/pObyU-A
- Discipline to keep networking. It's easy to get to a 'comfortable place' and think you're done.
- Being nervous and talking too fast!
- Your industry knowledge is key. At a networking event, you need to have something to offer others!
Q2: What are some ice-breakers that have worked for you?
- Icebreaker? Ask them to tell you about themselves. People love to talk. You listen & learn, then add to the conversation.
- Good to have some ice breakers already prepared. My favorite: Is this your first time here? If not what makes you keep coming bk
- I stand by the food table so I can always eat if they r mean:)
- The first icebreaker is your smile. - And a firm handshake!
- Ice breaker: where are you originally from?
- Networking tip: While there's typically food there, eat before. You'll have free hands to shake & provide resumes!
- 'playing host' by making introductions or passing out name tags is a great ice-breaker. it takes pressure off.
- ask them about their company and what they do for them
- Once you meet someone, introduce them to another and then form your own "group."
- Great ice-breaker there--talk about the food!
- Make sure to emphasize what you can do for them instead of what they can do for you. Be your own salesperson. Show your skills.
- I think a good ice-breaker is showing genuine interest in the other person's life during the conversation
- Say, "Hi," and smile. Think more about how to listen vs. what to say.
- Focus on local common ground. "Man those Seahawks were bad last weekend" or "did you hear about XZY downtown last week?"
- Icebreaker: What are you seeing as industry/profession trends right now?
- Reading their nametag and introducing yourself, easy!
- having group ambassadors like in the chambers help with introductions. After that it is up to your conversation
- a simple question like what is the last good movie you saw has always helped me
- People love to talk about themselves. Just start with a simple question.
- Listening happens in three stages- Receiving / Processing / Responding - 3 keys to good networking practice
- I always look for someone who seems to be "lost" or lonely-looking...invite them in
- sign up as a volunteer at the registration guest or a greeter at the event.
- ask what people are passionate about, not what they do
- My usual opening line: "Bride or groom?"
- ask how they like their iphone/android/blackberry or other gadget!
- Networking is almost like that first initial date. Get to know the person you are talking to. Figure out their interests
- Dont look distracted with whos coming in the room, remember the person in front of you!
- LinkedIn has an application "Networking Events" that you can use to find local meetings.
- Places to look for networking events - meetup.com/LinkedIn events & groups/local yahoogoups/Social Networking site
- check meetup.com and look for networking events, chamber mixers, organization postings in community calendars.
- Meetup.com, Yahoo Groups (professional associations), even community news sites/papers to find networking events
Q3: What are tips for smart schmoozing?
- It's nice to go with a friend, but don't just talk to people you already know all night.
- Do your research! Show excitement for previous accomplishments and seek to gain more understanding about them
- Keep your hands and mouth free to talk... hard to create a good first impression with your hands and mouth full!
- Networking- shut your phone off unless you are waiting for a call from the president or your expecting wife
- what can you offer to do to help the person with whom you are networking.
- networking is like sales ~ 1st build relationship, then find out their needs, sell yourself as the solution
- Be natural and go with the flow. You don't want to sound fake and/or insincere.
- Smart Schmoozers respect others time - are precise, to the point and do not overdo
- Smart schmoozing has to include diligent follow up. No connection established if there is no follow through.
- If you did your homework on attendees, you know their background. State their point & casually agree with it
- Here's an article we did on smart schmoozing. http://www.bizme.biz/bizclass/smart-schmoozing-big-tips-for-small-talk/
- When in doubt, ask questions -- people like to talk about themselves!
- Make the conversation about them before you make it about you.
- Always have something to offer. Be willing to pay it forward!!! Don't be a taker!!!
- Be genuinely interested. No canned conversation. Get him/her talking about something s/he's excited about.
- Another huge part of schmoozing is really listening to the other person. They can tell you a lot if you pay attention
- Also - in schmoozing - don't make promises you can't follow up on
- Tips for smart schmoozing: eye contact, avoid alcohol, and listen more than you talk!
- Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth, LISTEN more..talk less. Let people know you're truly interested.
- Don't lead w/ what u want, start by finding out about them~what they do~find out if your exp./background would fit their needs
- Collaborative conversation is good schmoozing - find what you both value and discuss key points/solutions.
- Challenge yourself NOT to ask someone "What do you do?" You'll stay curious longer and make a better connection.
- Be patient and be prepared to build a real relationship. Don't expect someone to offer you a job then and there.
- Have found this article to be very helpful. 10 tips for successful business networking. http://bit.ly/BFFAT
- The key to schmoozing at a networking event is to mingle. Make sure you circle the room. You may meet some really great people.
- Dont hit and run, nurture the relationship!
Q4: Just for fun--what are some networking horror stories?
- Ever been stuck talking to someone who WON'T stop even to breathe, so you can't exit the conversation? It's the worst!
- Once showed up at a networking event 45 min late, and everyone was drunk!
- not a personal one but spilling your drink or food on someone would be awful
- don't forget the breath mints!
- Be PRESENT!!! Don't be checking your BlackBerry while trying to have a convo!!!
- had a "close talker" back me up over 12 feet into a wall without realizing it!!! Pay attention to cues!
- have been to networking events that was more like a new form of match.com . Not good.
- be sure you know who your speaking w. - person call me Ken for 15 mins before I corrected
- Had a person follow me after the conversation was clearly over.
Q5: Have you or someone you know successfully networked your way to a job?
- That is how I got my current job!
- My husband got a job offer outside his field through networking.
- Client called former co-worker to do "Whassup." Colleague had just changed jobs. Client now has his job.
- Networked through a current job to stir up offers in related fields (through vendor contacts, publishers, 3rd parties)
- Started with a cold email based on shared background. 2 months later ended up with an out of the blue job offer
- Definitly, and the common theme was that the person made an effort to keep a relationship with the other
- I have networked into a new job - several times. Key is to add value, share solutions and stay in contact appropriately!
- I worked a job fair at my college for my last position. Spoke with Dir. Career Services, who introduced me to current co-worker.
- Soulsearched w/client, she told network what she wanted and she landed her dream job by referral
- Cultivated friendship @ weekly job seekers mtg. Then invited 2 another netwkg grp who gave me lead to my current job
- I have actually gotten many positions through my alumni listserve! (That's networking indirectly, though, no?)