Do you plan your wardrobe for a job fair?
Recently, at a job fair, the clothing choices I witnessed that individuals were wearing, brought up this topic. The options ran the gamut.
First, let me say that you don't have to be a fashion plate at a job fair, but you need to be professional in your appearance. Many of the men had on suits with a dress shirt and tie, briefcase with resumes, and the women had on equally nice pants suits or skirts and heels. These individuals were prepared for any situation.
Other men had on khakis, a nice shirt and tie, or the women were wearing slacks and tops. In most situations this is considered appropriate attire.
What struck me the most were the individuals who had on jeans, sneakers and baseball jackets.
When working a job fair you are one of a sea of individuals who the recruiter will see. You have potentially 10 seconds to make a good first impression. How you look and what you say are all judged within that time. You want the recruiter to have a good impression of you from appearance to your skills.
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